紫罗兰与雏菊 Violet & Daisy (2011),绝对策略计划研究_社交版40.12.0

紫罗兰与雏菊 Violet & Daisy (2011),绝对策略计划研究_社交版40.12.0

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紫罗兰与雏菊 Violet & Daisy (2011),绝对策略计划研究_社交版40.12.0


茉莉arabian jasmine 你属于我/亲切

猪笼草pitcher plant 财源广进

凌霄花creeper 好高骛远

树兰orchid tree 平凡而清雅

康乃馨caronation 温馨/慈祥

鸡冠花cockscomb 永生/爱美/痴情

荷花lotus 神圣/纯洁

鸢萝cypress vine 关怀/依附

菩提bo-tree 结婚/圣洁

大理花dahlia 移情别恋/优雅


Hyacinth (? 这个名字其实不太适合拿来当英文名(? 如果想要和花卉有关系的话,Jasmine (茉莉), Evelyn (蔷薇), Daphne (月桂), Rose (玫瑰), Violet (紫罗兰), Daisy(雏菊), Narcissa(水仙), Lily (百合), Bluebell (铃兰), Clove (四叶草), Primrose (报春花), Iris (鸢尾), Ivy (常春藤)都是比较常看见的名字哟:) 希望对你有用:)


由花名而来的女生名: Daisy, Marigold, Pansy, Poppy, Rosabel (beautiful rose), Rosalie (little rose), Rosalind (fair rose) Violet are all easily understood, bringing wind-swept, picturesque nature itself to mind. Anthea (flowery), Carmel (garden), Chloe (bud, sprout), Flora (flower), Hazel (plant), Holly (plant),Vanessa (butterfly) also instantly fit the picture of nature flowing to the whim of the wind. Violet Vanessa (butterfly) 或者Venus,Origin: Latin; Meaning: Love。 因为你想要v的,所以别的就没帮你找。如果你不喜欢这3个v开头的,还有别的名字,你可以追问。

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